Filming for next song
Here in the silence of locked down rural Wales, our quest to find locations in which to safely film, goes on. Most rooms in the house currently resemble film sets, with cameras, tripods, lights and a multitude of props to try, stewn about . We’ve been trying to find ways to make various corners of the house look as unlike corners of the house as possible, but it’s not easy. One way forward that we’re exploring, is using multiple layers of footage, overlaying one image with another, to create atmosphere, that’s not easy either. It looks as if the weather will at least be dry, if not exactly tropical, so the garden will be the next area to be considered. It’s been so wet and cold that this has been impossible up till now, but yesterday the sun shone and there was warmth for the first time this year. There are buds on everything, tulips are getting ready to explode with colour and there is the promise of blossom on our apple and cherry trees, always one of the most impressive sights of our garden in springtime. How to use that for filming , will be something to consider . I would be happy to see a screen filled with cherry blossom, but possibly not for the entire length of a song! I suppose I could climb up into the tree and sing from up there? Nightime filming is something I’m keen to try, along with sunrises and sunsets. From the garden we see the sun rise and set casting pink and orange streaks in huge swirls of colour around the rim of the valley. This time of year, whilst the trees are still bare, it’s a breathtaking panorama, with the dark branches stark against the riot of colour in the sky. I think I see some early morming filming on the horizon! We took a walk today round the empty countryside near our home and took some test shots of the river, bubbling over rocks and huge old trees with the roots exposed by the water, covered in lichens. Not sure how we might use all this, but once the current crisis retreats we’ll look again . I quite fancy the idea of being filmed lying in the water but I have a feeling that the water is probably freezing even in summer, so perhaps not. My head is full of ideas. Steve is busy working on the footage we’ve already shot, the blue picture above is a still from that,we’re both really pleased with the way that is looking, so I’m looking forward to being able to share it , as part of the next music video. More soon, stay safe everyone